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Lane Splitting Makes Motorcycle Accidents More Likely

Kenison Law Office, PLLC Oct. 4, 2023

The people of Manchester know that our law firm is on their side. Injury and accident victims can count on our team to offer expert legal guidance in all kinds of injury cases, from slips and falls to serious and fatal motorcycle accidents.

A number of motorcyclists have asked us about lane splitting and whether or not it’s legal in New Hampshire. Let’s take a moment to consider what lane splitting is and then offer some honest advice you should think about whenever you are on the road.

What Is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting refers to something that motorcycles can technically do, though it’s not always safe or legal to do so. Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist rides between the two lanes of traffic between vehicles. This applies to driving between two moving vehicles or two stationary vehicles.

Lane splitting is also known by the following names:

  • Lane sharing

  • Whitelining

  • Filtering

  • Stripe-riding

The Dangers of Lane Splitting

As you can imagine, lane splitting can be very dangerous to motorcyclists as well as other motorists on the road. When you share a lane with another vehicle, you can come very close to said vehicle. This increases the risk of accidental collisions, whether the car or cars are moving or not. Getting that close to a vehicle on its side can also cause a motorcyclist to get lost in the driver’s blind spot. If a driver cannot see you on your motorcycle, you are more likely to get hit if the driver decides to change lanes or turn.

Motorcyclists who are struck while they are near a vehicle can suffer extreme injuries. It’s possible for a motorcyclist who is lane splitting to be run over by a nearby car or by an oncoming car simply given the proximity to other vehicles.

Is Lane Splitting Legal in the State of New Hampshire?


Though there have been some moves to try to legalize the practice, lane splitting is not legal in New Hampshire. In fact, lane splitting is not legal in most states in America. California is the only state in which lane splitting is legal.

While lane splitting is not legal in New Hampshire, sometimes you will see a motorcyclist engage in the act. This is not advisable given the dangers involved and the fines and penalties that could be levied against you if you are caught.

Always be Safe and Cautious on the Road

When you are on the road, be sure to abide by all traffic laws. Follow the speed limit at all times, and make sure you are riding at a safe distance from other vehicle so that you are noticed and not riding in their blind spot. Common sense driver safety while on the road can save everyone from serious harm.

How an Auto Accident Attorney can Help You

If you are involved in an auto collision that occurred as a result of reckless driving or illegal activity by another motorist, our law firm can help you. We will go over the evidence and seek damages from the negligent party to cover medical expenses, property damage, and other losses you’ve experienced. Our counsel may prove invaluable to you and your loved ones.

Speak with an Auto Accident Attorney

To learn more about your legal options following a serious motor vehicle collision, be sure to contact and experienced injury accident attorney today. We will help you in your time of legal need and offer expert legal counsel.