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Truck Accidents Caused by Driver Fatigue

Kenison Law Office, PLLC Oct. 4, 2023

According to “The Large Truck Causation Study” published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Study Safety Administration in 2007, driver fatigue contributes to 13 percent of all large truck accidents in the nation. This makes it the sixth-leading cause of large truck accidents, ahead of driver distraction and road rage and just behind driving under the influence and speeding. Another study conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found that driver fatigue was a probable cause, contributing factor, or finding in nearly 20 percent of its 182 major investigations into all auto accidents, including large truck accidents, between 2001 and 2012.

Whatever the case, there can be no doubting that driver fatigue can impair a person’s ability to operate a vehicle. And when that vehicle is a large truck, which is already among the most inherently dangerous and potentially deadly vehicles to occupy our nation’s roadways, the results can be devastating.

At Kenison Law Office, PLLC, we have extensive experience and a history of success in handling cases involving truck accidents and driver fatigue. Manchester, NH attorney John B. Kenison has been representing injured victims of negligence and their families in large truck and other auto accident cases for more than 25 years. If you or a member of your family has been injured in a collision with a large truck caused by driver fatigue, or if you have tragically lost a family member in such a collision, Mr. Kenison has the resources, skills, and tenacity to provide you with the representation you need to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Don’t hesitate to contact Kenison Law Office today for an evaluation of your truck accident case.

How Dangerous is Driver Fatigue?

In May 2016, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published its most recent report on large truck accidents. It found that 73 percent of those killed in large truck accidents in 2014 were occupants of other vehicles rather than the occupants of the large trucks. Twelve of these fatalities occurred in the state of New Hampshire.

While only 2 percent of truck drivers who were involved in fatal accidents had blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of .08% or higher according to the report, this statistic could be a bit misleading given how many drivers continue to operate their vehicles without taking mandated breaks. According to a report published by the National Sleep Foundation, operating a truck after being awake for 18 consecutive hours is the same as driving a truck with a BAC of .08%. In other words, if an attorney is able to find that a truck driver was extremely exhausted due to lack of proper break time, it could be similar to finding that the driver was operating his or her vehicle while intoxicated.

Collecting such evidence requires timeliness and skill, however. Many truckers carry two sets of logbooks, one of which is accurate, and one of which is doctored in case an accident occurs. Fortunately, our personal injury attorney understands the tricks of the trucking trade, and his skills in evidence collection and accident reconstruction are second to none.

Arrange for an Evaluation of Your Truck Accident Case Today

To arrange for an evaluation of your truck accident case, please contact Kenison Law Office, PLLC today.